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I don’t see much on your site about teens. Why is that?My focus is on helping parents learn to establish habits of communication and behavior that will help them be ready for those years, and even avoid some of the problems common between parents and teens.
Do you do in-home visits?I believe most of the problems parents face with their children is a result of a misunderstanding of some parenting basics, and of typical childhood behavior. For this reason, I work only with the parents, not the children, and do not do in-home visits.
My child has been diagnosed with ADHD. Can you help?If your child has received a diagnosis of ADHD/ ADD, but is not currently under the supervision and care of a therapist or other counselor, I am willing to see if we are a good fit to work together! Each circumstance is different. I cannot work with families whose children are currently in therapy or counseling.
Do you address issues with autism-spectrum disorders?No, I am not qualified to address this type of situation. However, I know an excellent parenting coach who has dealt extensively with this. Her name is Lisa Woodman, and she can be reached at
Have you ever worked with parents of children who may have an incarcerated parent, parents who are divorced, or who are in the care of grandparents?"Yes, I have worked with parents in each of these situations.
Do you have any experience with homeschoolers?Yes! I actually homeschooled my own children for many years, and have worked with several families who homeschool their children.
Tell me about your couples classes—are you qualified to do marriage counseling?The focus of these classes is improvement of communication between partners, and developing together a common vision of family life. Once this has happened, we then learn how to put specific practices in place for bringing the vision to reality. I am not a marriage counselor, but have found in my clients' experiences that this process actually serves to strengthen marriages.
What if I can’t afford the one-to-one sessions?There are several options for this: One is to contact me to work out a way of payment for each session individually. Join a class! You can join a couples or mom-to-mom video class from anywhere in the country. These are a great way to gain information and confidence in parenting, while having the ability to hear from the perspective of other parents. Set up your own class by gathering a group of friends together for either an online class or, if you live in the OKC area, we can gather in a home or other venue. Ask your Pastor or other administrator at your church to set up a class or workshop.
Still looking for an answer? Email me with your question.
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